One of the more common errors developers run into with the MYOB AccountRight or MYOB Essentials API when starting out is the Developer Inactive error.
"Errors": [{
"Name": "DeveloperInactive",
"Message": "API key is missing or inactive",
"AdditionalDetails": "Header: x-myobapi-key",
"ErrorCode": null,
"Severity": "Error",
"LearnMore": ""
"Information": "Warning, error messages have not been finalised in this release and may change"
There are two typical reasons for this error
- Missing or incorrect API Key
- Every call to the API must include the API key in the following header
x-myobapi-key: {{your_api_key_here}}
- Check that the header is correct and the API key is exactly as that found on your Developer Dashboard
- Every call to the API must include the API key in the following header
- Inactive API Key
- Your first 2 api keys will automatically activate, allowing you to register an application and start development.
- Any future key you create will need to be manually approved by MYOB support crews. We do this in order to understand how you are using our API.
- Even if you delete the original keys, new keys will always require manual activation.
- Learn more about inactive keys here.
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