Upgraded to AccountRight 2021.1? Great!
To continue being connected to the Desktop API and 3rd Party app's, there is just one more step to go.
First off lets check if you are using the new installer.
If the icon on your desktop looks like this:
Then the new installer has been installed. If your icon looks different to this, then it sounds like the server edition has been installed or the msi installer has been used and you don't need to do anything else.
Now that it has been determined that the new installer is installed. All you have to do is launch the Add-on Connector and your good to go.
To launch the Add-on Connector:
1. Launch your Windows Start Menu
2. Locate the MYOB AccountRight Add-on Connector and double click on the file to launch it.
This screen will appear:
3. Click close and the connection to the Add-on Connector will be active again.
Now you can carry on using AccountRight with your 3rd Party app.
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