As preparation for future improvement, MYOB has extended the API to make it easier to make quantity adjustments by introducing the ‘UnitCount’ property for recording quantities and it has been added to the Banking/SpendMoneyTxn, Banking/ReceiveMoneyTxn and GeneralLedger/GeneralJournal endpoints for GET/PUT/POST methods and GeneralLedger/JournalTransaction endpoint for GET method from ARL 2019.4 onward.
The ‘UnitCount’ property is Decimal(19,6) and defaults to Null. The ‘UnitCount’ property is not a mandatory field.
To date, Banking/SpendMoneyTxn and Banking/ReceiveMoneyTxn endpoints have supported $0 values, but from ARL 2019.4 the API also supports the ability to create and update $0 GeneralLedger/GeneralJournal endpoint ($0 general journal transaction still requires at least one credit and debit line).
Below are examples of ‘UnitCount’ property in the SpendMoneyTxn, ReceiveMoneyTxn, GeneralJournal and JournalTransaction api endpoints:
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{ "PayFrom": "Account", |
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